Monday 14 October 2013

These were some inital images I took to the group sessions. I was confident that they couldn't be improved when I walked into the session however I walked out with a very different view. Although on a visual level the images were fine, after some experimenting I decided that if the images were cropped much tighter they become instantly more valuable. We've been discussing cropping a lot in the professional frameworks module and so I decided to have a go with my own images and it was very rewarding. I've now decided on a visual style for my images and I'm going for much tighter crops than I originally thought I would. This helps draw the viewer into the scene and again lets me control exactly what they see in order to get my message across.

I'm now going to take this forward and take the others shots to form my narrative, especially my start image of an alarm clock. Keeping in mind the composition and how the images can be cropped to add context.

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