Wednesday 30 October 2013

Final Images

These are now my final images. They don't differ greatly from my original images however the clocks show the correct times in order to tell the story. I toyed with the idea of adding in more shots in between but I felt that it was making my message too literal and giving the audience too much. I decided in this project that less was more. I'm very happy with my idea, I think it's concise and I'm glad I've resolved a circular narrative using the word 'timepiece' as a start.

I think in a gallery setting I would lay the images out in rows and show a few repeats of every image as seen below

I think this is a good way of getting the point of repetition across and also showing the passing of time. Each row would represent a new day and as we read left to right naturally, I think this would come across quite easily to the audience. I think I have followed through with my idea and resolved it with a fairly simple series of images. The key for me in this project was not to overcomplicate my idea or images and I'm glad I stuck by that, it's a simple idea that most people can relate to and by using clear, simple images I think it makes my message as solid as it could be.

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