Wednesday 30 October 2013


Areas of Photographic Practice A

I’ve found this module very interesting and I have really enjoyed doing it. It was difficult to begin with because I really struggled to come up with a concept that I felt was both interesting and reflected my word ‘timepiece’. The group presentations really helped me advance and narrow down my ideas and it was also great to see what others in the group were going. I personally working in smaller numbers worked very well for this project, we got to know each other’s ideas well and could see the progress on a weekly basis.

On the photographic side of things I’m happy with my images. They’ve turned out exactly how I had hoped and I feel like I’ve stuck the balance between simplicity and effectiveness. The number of images was something I was struggling with at first. Initially I was looking at 10-15 images and after some discussion I decided this was far too many, I knew I could get my narrative across in at least half of that number so I settled on 6 images and I’m glad I did. I feel I have reached a resolved idea that is in essence a circular narrative revolved around the word ‘timepiece’. I’ve chosen to show the bare minimum of a daily routine of someone who lives a very mundane working life and in doing so have got across a feeling of a repetitive routine in 6 images.

I liked the presentations in this project, it’s a great way to build confidence and learnt to talk about my ideas and take feedback. Having weekly sessions with the same group was a great advantage as we bonded well and everyone contributed in helping me with my ideas.

With this project I didn’t find it particularly useful to research practicing photographers. I focused more on my subject matter and the reasoning for my ideas. I looked into photographers who use narrative and this really did help me early on. It was also useful to look outside photography at films, books etc. that had a circular narrative. Again this influenced my ideas and helped with clarifying what a circular narrative was.

I also found it useful to talk to the group about narratives as I got a different perspective, which helped me broaden my thoughts and appreciate how people would interpret my initial thoughts. We were encouraged to look at photographers, filmmakers, authors; videographers that again helped broaden my appreciation for narrative.

I did enjoy this project and it was nice to have some direction at the start but to then have total freedom to interpret our words ands create our own ideas.

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